Bulging discs, disc prolapse, slipped disc, herniated disc…do any of these terms sound familiar? Your spine contains spongy, cushion-like discs between each vertebra. These spinal discs (also known as intervertebral discs) provide shock absorption, while also keeping the spine stable and allowing the vertebrae to move. They are a common cause of back pain when they become strained and irritated. This is known as a bulging or prolapsed disc. Read...
Medial collateral ligament (MCL) injury
If you regularly play sport, you may be aware of your medial collateral ligament (MCL). This ligament is one of the most common parts of the knee to be injured, usually as a result of force to the body or a fall. What is the medial collateral ligament? The MCL runs along the inner edge of your knee and helps connect your shin bone (tibia) to your thigh bone (femur). This...
Recovering from a forearm fracture
Forearm fractures are among the most common types of broken bones and can be some of the most complex. Surgery will often be needed to repair the damage before the rehabilitation process can begin. It can be a long road to recovery, but a chiropractor can help. Read on to find out how! Types of forearm fracture There are two bones in your forearm - the radius and the ulna. The radius is...
Shoulder pain: treating a subacromial impingement
One very common cause of shoulder pain is subacromial impingement. This is a complicated name for an injury that occurs often (in approximately one in five people). It happens when a tendon in the shoulder rubs or catches on nearby bone. This affects the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles that allow you to rotate, raise and lower your arm. Which means that pain in this...
What is torticollis (wry neck)?
Have you ever twisted your head sharply and felt the searing pain of your neck freezing in an unnatural position? Then you’ve got an idea of what we’re talking about here. Torticollis, also known as wry neck, is an extreme twisted neck which won’t seem to go away. Jarring pain may be similar, however it does not last. Wry neck (torticollis) usually causes the top of the head to tilt...
Injury blog: Spinal fracture
A spinal fracture can be a scary thing to experience. Depending on the severity and location in the spinal column, it can have devastating consequences. Cases vary in severity from mild to severe. And most breaks occur in the mid or low spine regions. Fractures in the neck region are less common, yet carry the greatest risk for serious consequences. Vertebral fractures are commonly seen in people with osteoporosis. This...
Sciatica: Causes, symptoms and treatment.
Have you ever bent forward to pick something up and had a sudden shoot of pain down the back of the leg to the foot? This is a familiar scenario to a lot of us. If you have experienced such a thing, you’ll know just how much discomfort it can cause. A common cause of pain like this is sciatica. What is sciatica? Sciatica is a condition that causes pain that originates...