Bayside Chiropractic

Our Cronulla Chiropractic team are pleased to welcome you to Bayside Chiropractic, our friendly family health and wellness clinic.

0432 520 076
Suite 209, 30 The Kingsway
Cronulla, NSW 2230

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0432 520 076

Suite 209, 30 The Kingsway

Cronulla, NSW 2230

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Headaches Tag

Neck treatment

The chiropractic adjustment

Are you experiencing frequent headaches, neck or back pain? You may need an adjustment! Adjustments have amazing benefits for not only your spine but your whole well-being. It may seem a bit daunting at first but don’t worry, we’ve got your back — pun intended! What is a chiropractic adjustment? Chiropractic adjustment or spinal manipulation is the process of applying a controlled and specific amount of force in a precise direction to...