Bayside Chiropractic

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0432 520 076
Suite 209, 30 The Kingsway
Cronulla, NSW 2230

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0432 520 076

Suite 209, 30 The Kingsway

Cronulla, NSW 2230

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All About Leg Length Discrepancy

All About Leg Length Discrepancy

What’s a good name for a woman with a leg length discrepancy. Eileen! (Get it?) All jokes aside, leg length discrepancy (or LLD) can lead to imbalances throughout the body, inefficient biomechanics and ultimately pain! Luckily, at Bayside Chiropractic we’re better chiropractors than we are joke-tellers and we’re here to help. Call us on (02) 9523 9940 to make an appointment. In the meantime, let’s understand what’s going on…

 Understanding leg length discrepancy

Leg length discrepancy (LLD) occurs when one leg is shorter than the other (the clue was in the title). The problem is that this can result in serious imbalances in the body’s alignment.

Types and causes of leg length discrepancy

There are two primary types of LLD: structural and functional.

Structural leg length discrepancy refers to a true difference in the length of the bones in the legs. This can be congenital (present at birth) or acquired due to trauma, fractures, or surgical interventions. Conditions like developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) or growth plate injuries in children can also lead to a structural discrepancy.

Functional leg length discrepancy occurs when the legs are technically the same length, but other factors create the appearance of a difference. Common causes include muscle imbalances, joint contractures, or pelvic misalignment. This type of LLD is often related to postural issues. The good news is that it can be more easily corrected. 


How leg length discrepancy affects the body

Even a small difference in leg length can have a significant impact on the body. Over time, LLD can lead to:

  • Lower back pain: The uneven leg length can cause the pelvis to tilt, putting extra strain on the muscles of the lower back and spine.
  • Hip and knee pain: The imbalance in leg length can lead to uneven wear on the joints, causing discomfort and potentially leading to conditions like osteoarthritis.
  • Gait abnormalities: LLD can affect the way you walk, leading to inefficient movement patterns that can cause fatigue and increase the risk of injury.

Addressing LLD promptly is crucial to prevent these issues from worsening over time.

Chiropractic management of leg length discrepancy

The chiropractors at Bayside Chiropractic are here to help with the assessment and management of leg length discrepancy. If the discrepancy is functional, we can help you identify the postural habits that have created the discrepancy and correct them. If there is a structural discrepancy, we’re here to help you manage your condition. Through a combination of thorough examination and targeted treatments, we’ll work to help correct imbalances, improve alignment, and reduce discomfort.

  • Assessment: The first step in managing LLD is an accurate assessment. Chiropractors use physical examinations and, if necessary, imaging studies to determine whether the discrepancy is structural or functional. They’ll also assess the impact of LLD on your posture, gait, and overall musculoskeletal health.
  • Spinal and pelvic adjustments: We might perform chiropractic adjustments to realign the pelvis and spine. We find these particularly effective when dealing with functional LLD. The aim of these adjustments is to help restore balance and improve mobility, reducing the strain on your lower back, hips, and knees.
  • Muscle strengthening and stretching: Chiropractors often recommend specific exercises to address muscle imbalances that may contribute to functional LLD. Strengthening weak muscles and stretching tight ones can help to maintain the benefits of chiropractic adjustments and prevent the recurrence of the discrepancy.
  • Lifestyle advice: In addition to hands-on treatments, chiropractors may offer advice on posture, ergonomics, and daily habits to help you maintain proper alignment and reduce the risk of further issues related to LLD.

Referral to a podiatrist for orthotics

In cases of true structural leg length discrepancy, we’ll work to provide relief from the associated symptoms. But we won’t be able to fully correct the underlying issue. If the discrepancy is significant, we’ll probably refer you to a podiatrist for some custom-made orthotics (i.e. special inner soles for your shoes). 

Combining chiropractic care with orthotics can be an effective approach to managing structural LLD, ensuring that you receive comprehensive care tailored to your specific needs.

In conclusion

Leg length discrepancy is more than just a minor imbalance—it can significantly impact your overall well-being. Whether your LLD is structural or functional, addressing it with chiropractic care may help alleviate discomfort, improve your posture, and enhance your quality of life.

Take the first step towards balance and comfort. Call (02) 9523 9940 to make an appointment with our chiropractors at Bayside Chiropractic today. 

And don’t forget to follow us on social media for more tips on maintaining your health and well-being! We’re on Facebook and Instagram [insert clinic Instagram account here.] We promise we don’t tell too many corny jokes…. Did you hear about the guy who didn’t think the chiropractor could help him with his posture? He stands corrected! (OK – we’ll stop now.)

Information provided here (including text, graphics, images, outbound links, and other material) is for informational purposes only. It is general in nature and is not to be used or considered as a substitute for personalised professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified allied health provider regarding any symptoms, medical conditions, or treatments and before undertaking any new health care regimen.

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