Bayside Chiropractic

Our Cronulla Chiropractic team are pleased to welcome you to Bayside Chiropractic, our friendly family health and wellness clinic.

0432 520 076
Suite 209, 30 The Kingsway
Cronulla, NSW 2230

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0432 520 076

Suite 209, 30 The Kingsway

Cronulla, NSW 2230

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Foam rollers—you’ve in all probability seen these cylinders within the athletic facility or being employed by athletes on the sidelines of a game. Did you know that they can help ease your neck strain? They may look like a weapon of torture, but don’t be intimidated, they can become a key way to help sore and tight muscles recover and relax. Foam rollers have become a preferred method for athletes to treat muscles with self-myofascial unharnessed, or self-massage. Specialists find they work by increasing blood flow to the muscles and massaging soft tissue adhesions, generally spoken as muscle “knots” or “trigger points.” An analysis of twelve high-quality studies found that massage will offer short-term pain relief for those with upset neck pain, compared with commonplace care. Foam rolling is specifically to alleviate muscle pain, therefore if you’ve got neck pain that’s caused by a drag like chronic disc sickness or inflammatory disease, sit down with your doctor before you try employing a foam roller. Tips for foam rolling safely and effectively
  1. Foam rollers ought to be used on muscle, not bone or joints. Avoid placing it horizontally on your neck, directly over your spine. Instead use it vertically, rolling out from either aspect of your spine.
  2. Slowly roll the foam roller till you discover a sore spot or trigger point. Then apply mild, steady pressure thereto spot till pain subsides, however, not more than sixty seconds.
  3. Foam rollers may cause slight pain or discomfort as they unharness muscle knots, however not severe pain. If you are feeling sharp or stabbing pain, stop right away.
  4. Avoid employing a foam roller on your lower back, since it could make alternative low back conditions worse.
  5. Because muscle knots in your neck or shoulders can be hard to reach, you may find that a massage from a therapist or trigger point massager works better for you than a foam roller.
Combined with stretching exercises, physical therapy, and medication, foam rolling can be a simple and effective way to relieve neck pain. If you would like one of our experienced Chiropractors or massage therapist to show you how to best utilise a foam roller, bring it along with you to your next appointment. Call us on 95239940 to get a time that suits.
Bayside Chiropractic

Bayside Chiropractic is a family oriented practice and offers both relief and wellness care. We have been delivering quality chiropractic care to the community for 31 years, incorporating different modalities and approaches that best suit your particular issue

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