Bayside Chiropractic

Our Cronulla Chiropractic team are pleased to welcome you to Bayside Chiropractic, our friendly family health and wellness clinic.

0432 520 076
Suite 209, 30 The Kingsway
Cronulla, NSW 2230

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0432 520 076

Suite 209, 30 The Kingsway

Cronulla, NSW 2230

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A visual of a spine for spinal week

Let’s talk all things spine!

Hello everyone! The last week in April sees the celebration of Spine Week 2020. Normally, the leading clinicians and scientists from spinal societies across the globe get together to discuss current spine-related topics and research. This year, unfortunately this physical event has been cancelled. But we’re going to jump on the bandwagon with a blog dedicated to spinal conditions. The spine can be affected by many different conditions and with...


The low-down on Scoliosis

Have you ever been told you have a scoliosis but have no idea what it means? Well, this month you’re in luck! Our blog will give you the low-down on scoliosis, so you don’t have to feel like you’re in the dark anymore. What is scoliosis ? Let us first start with some anatomy. If you look at a spine from the front or back, each bone segment (or ‘vertebrae’) that makes...